Determine the resultant force that both of these liquids exert on the side abc of the tank.
Determine the resultant force that both of these liquids exert on the side abc of the tank.

If upon removal of the external moment, the body returns to its original position, it is said to have been in stable equilibrium and to have positive stability. If a floating body, initially at equilibrium, is disturbed by an external moment, there will be a change in its angular attitude. In this case the resultant of all gravity forces (weights) acting downward, and the resultant of the buoyancy forces, acting upward on the body, are of equal magnitude and are applied in the same vertical line. In dealing with static floating body stability, we are interested in that state of equilibrium associated with the floating body upright and at rest in a still liquid.

determine the resultant force that both of these liquids exert on the side abc of the tank.

In general, a rigid body is considered to be in a state of equilibrium when the resultants of all forces and moments acting on the body are zero.

Determine the resultant force that both of these liquids exert on the side abc of the tank.